De-sexing & neutering procedures
We practice the highest standard of care for all routine desexing procedures
At Macquarie Veterinary Hospital, we routinely perform de-sexing procedures using the latest surgical techniques and anaesthetic protocols.
We generally recommend the surgery be performed between 5-6 months of age. However, we may give specific advice to you and your pet as to the exact timing of de-sexing depending on their breed and in line with recent research.
The de-sexing procedure for females is called a ‘spey’ and for males it is called ‘castration’. These are ‘day procedures’ that require hospitalisaton for the full day to allow us to monitor your pet and provide adequate pain relief prior to, during and then after surgery.
You’re in good hands.
We welcome all sizes and breeds!
- All desexing surgeries include additional intravenous fluids throughout surgery, pain relief for 3 days at home, an Elizabethan collar and a post-op recheck
- Day procedure available Monday-Friday
Pre Surgery Care
We understand that surgery for your pet can be daunting and scary. The aim of our pre-surgery care is to minimise your concerns and prepare your pet for safe and stress free surgery.

During the Surgery
We take ananaesthtic monitoring and surgery very seriously. We use the latest in recommended anaesthetic techniques and monitoring and practice strict aseptic surgical techniques.
Post Surgery Care
We send all of our patients home with 3 days of additional pain relief, an Elizabethan collar, a desexing certificate and post operative instructions. It’s then over to you to help them rest and recover.